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obama speech

美 [ˌoʊˈbɑmə spiːtʃ]英 [əʊˈbɑːmə spiːtʃ]
  • 网络奥巴马演讲
obama speechobama speech
  1. McCain was asked about the Obama speech during a campaign stop in Ohio .


  2. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Obama 's Speech on Urging the Recovery Plan


  3. Did you see Obama 's speech ?


  4. John Kerry 's staff had made one big change to Obama 's speech when they read a draft .


  5. Just look at the13 % fall in drug stocks since Obama 's speech on Tuesday .


  6. New polls suggest Obama 's speech on race dealing with Wright last week may have limited damage in the short term .


  7. Some of the controversy over Obama 's speech involved a proposed lesson plan created by the Education Department to accompany the address .


  8. He called Mr. Obama 's speech a hodgepodge ( collection ) of little ideas and said what the country needs is more comprehensive reform .


  9. CNN is partnering with Facebook to provide live streaming of the swearing in and Obama 's speech .


  10. An Israeli government statement said Israel hopes President Obama 's speech will help usher in a new period of reconciliation in the Middle East .


  11. On the eve of President Obama 's speech , the administration announced new sanctions on Syria that for the first time directly target President Assad and key advisers .


  12. Obama 's speech to Parliament , and the ensuing news conference , came on the third day of his four-country , six-day European tour .


  13. After getting a seat best for being photographed , she began taking off her red coat in slow motion during Obama 's speech , firing up comments on the Internet .


  14. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on " Fox News Sunday " that Obama 's speech was a good idea if the message is a positive one about completing school .


  15. Mr Obama 's speech on the 1 July will belatedly redeem his commitment to an issue he did not even mention in his January State of the Union address .


  16. Two days before Mr Obama 's speech , Mitt Romney , one of the two main Republican contenders , released what is so far the most detailed economic plan of any Republican candidate .


  17. The only time things seemed to really change on this front was Obama 's speech on race in response to the accusations of his support for the firebrand pastor , Jeremiah Wright .


  18. Climate-change experts generally expressed enthusiasm about Mr. Obama 's speech , noting that it was the first time the United States had addressed such a gathering after instituting sweeping measures of its own .


  19. Obama 's speech came as gay rights activists continued to lose patience over the lack of change to key issues for the gay community & including the Pentagon 's " don 't ask , don 't tell " policy .


  20. We must imagine Mr Obama making a speech in Kabul .


  21. It is hard to believe Mr Obama thought his speech would raise that likelihood .


  22. Back in Cape Town that evening , Obama gave a speech .


  23. A Cognitive Pragmatic Analysis of Obama 's Inauguration Speech


  24. Appreciation and Translation of Rhetorical Devices in Obama 's Inaugural Speech


  25. That afternoon , Obama gave a speech at the University of Nairobi .


  26. Recently , President Barack Obama gave a speech to a small group of Intel employees .


  27. Many watched President Barack Obama 's Thursday speech to a joint session of Congress .


  28. Analyzing Obama 's Victory Speech in 2008 Presidential Election by Language 's Meta-functions


  29. Realization of the Interpersonal Meta-Function in Obama 's Victory Speech


  30. Difficulties with TV Interpreting : An Analysis of the Live Broadcasting of Obama 's Inaugural Speech in China
